One of the hardest decisions we have had during this transition is deciding what to share, how much to share, and are we "over-sharing." We have tried to err on the side of "under-sharing" so as to not be misunderstood. This is especially our sentiment now, as Rodney is finishing up the summer term and we are still waiting on the Lord for another place of ministry. (There has been a lot of activity on that front this summer and we are so thankful for your prayers!)
Allow me to back up a little bit. One of our desires as a couple has been (and is) to "attempt great things for God." God has marvelously answered that prayer in the many opportunities Rodney has had to minister nationally and internationally. Although I have not traveled as much as he has, I have had multiple opportunities to minister here at home in the Ladies' Ministry, AWANA, etc. Some of the goals that we felt like the Lord wanted us to pursue this year included Rodney doing some writing and me starting a musical project (CD). Rodney is currently working on an eBook for pastors about how to effectively use Evernote in the Ministry and . . . well . . . I am on my way to Nashville! TODAY!
To be honest, part of our hesitation in sharing is that this was a goal, and certainly not a need, like our present financial situation. However, God has provided the funds for this project through some unexpected ways and some wonderfully generous people. With the obvious demonstration of God's providence, this "dream" goal, is now a reality. We honestly believe that this is one of the better ways we can show our confidence in the Lord as we seek to minister. So, while we are waiting for an open door of ministry for our entire family, we have prayerfully chosen to walk through this open door of blessing. God can be trusted in full, even when we can only see in part.
Lord-willing, I will be at Daywind Studios in Nashville, TN recording a CD tomorrow. The process begins around 10 a.m. CST.
Would you please pray for the details of the trip and the recording? Our prayer is that God will use this project to be a blessing to others and that He will receive it as an offering of praise.
If you are interested in getting a notification when the CD's arrive (should be early - mid October) email me at
P.S. The word "nervous" does not fully capture the essence of what I feel (or have felt for the past month) about this opportunity.
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