Saturday, July 10, 2010


I have taken on a challenge. While reading over at Mom's Toolbox, I read about a group of folks who were challenged to read through the Bible, cover to cover, in 90 days. At first, I have to say that I dismissed it as insane. . .adding one more thing to the to-do list for each day. And then I began to read about the blessings that readers had experienced, seeing the entire canon of Scripture in such a short amount of time. I will admit I was intrigued.

I explored the original site,, only to discover the same type of testimonials.

  • "It seemed to bring everything together in a way as never before in my reading and in my study.”
  • "I was so blown away by the experience"
  • "I am moved at a level I can't even put into words"
  • "I am now on my third time through the Bible in 90 days and it gets better every time!"

So here I sit.

I have made the commitment.

I am excited about this.

Pray for me.

Join me.

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