Thursday, September 8, 2016

Living Loved

Today, I began a six-week Online Bible Study from Proverbs 31 Ministries. We are studying Lysa Terkeurst's new book entitled Uninvited. The study started Monday, so I had some catching up to do.

The subtitle of the book is really what drew me in  . . . living loved when you feel less than, left out, and lonely. Honestly, who hasn't experienced at least one of those (if not all), at some point in their lives?

In the midst of the busyness of everyday life - family, church, school work - LIFE . . . we are sometimes drawn away from the true source of identity and strength we have as Christ-followers, our relationship with HIM.

It's so easy to do.

Instead of going to HIM first thing in the morning, we reach for our devices.
Instead of talking to HIM when we have worries, we go to our friends, family, or heaven-forbid, Facebook.
Instead of looking to HIM for the energy that we need, we look to ourselves (or chocolate).

This week (or for me, today) we are working through the first three chapters of the book. I have a feeling I am in for an old-fashioned personal revival of sorts,  examining the very deepest crevices of my soul (where He already sees anyway) and being honest with Him (and in turn, myself) about what I see.

I took a few moments and made pretty cards for the verses this week. You can access them by clicking here. 

You can find information on the Bible Study Guide/DVD here or here.

You can find the OBS Blog here.

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