Friday, January 21, 2022

The Story of Redemption - Day 21


Exodus 13-15

Life after Egypt would be different and in so many ways, it would require them to trust like never before.

Their worship faded to weariness as the people got farther and farther from Egypt. Slavery was all that most had ever known. They no longer had guaranteed food and shelter. They literally had to trust God for the water that they consumed. 

He showed Himself faithful again and again. The cloud by day and the fire by night was a constant, 24/7 reminder that He would protect them and that He was their Provider. 

God is just as close to us today as He was to them. He made a way for us to be justified when our sin separated us from God.


The Story of Redemption, Volume 1 | Genesis - 2 Samuel by The Daily Grace Co.

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